FA138T87 8" Coaxial Loudspeaker with 70.7V-8W Transformer by Atlas Sound is a premium 8" coaxial loudspeaker with a factory installed, high efficiency 8 Watt 70.7V transformer.
It features a loudspeaker that includes a circuit board mounted high-pass/low-pass crossover which produces outstanding sound quality.
The integral 8 Watt 70.7V transformer features a 50Hz to 15kHz frequency response (+/- 1 dB) with 1, 2, 4 and 8 watt primary taps.
It has a baffle selection includes a choice of two attractive grilles which are equipped with three serrated studs for hardware-free, push-on installation into Strategy Series enclosures.
For limited depth installations when no enclosure is required mounting ring model FAPR-8 may be utilized. New construction ring model FA-TR8 is also available to serve as a pattern cut-out and location marker for drywall installers in new construction applications.